When it comes to diet and workouts, there are so many services available; however, people don’t know which one to pick. They often select programs that are popular or eye-catching. Multiple fitness programs provide a bunch of information, but selecting the right one according to one’s needs and budget is crucial. One such training program is vshred. It provides multiple services related to all your fitness needs. Today, we will provide vshred reviews and understand more about what vshred provides, about vshred quiz, does vshred work, whether vshred is legit, and if it is the right fitness program for you or not.
Scientific studies consistently highlight the importance of weight loss for overall health and well-being. Carrying excess weight, especially around the abdomen, has been linked to various health risks, including an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Hence, we provide vshred reviews for your weight loss goals to determine if this is the right program for you.
What is Vshred?
Vshred is a multinational training service that offers a comprehensive array of services, including diet planning, workout guidance, and information on weight loss and getting in shape (1).
Vshred was started in 2015, with an idea to provide a fitness solution. At first, it provided exercise-based content and workout guidance, but with time it evolved and started mentoring people across 228 countries.
The main face of Vshred is Vince Sant. He’s a professional fitness model, ISSA-certified personal trainer, Best-selling author of 6 books, and Co-creator of Vshred. There are 3 more people, but Vince is the face of the company, and you will see him the most in videos and plans.
The main idea of Vshred is to provide fitness for all. Their videos and programs aim to help beginners and those who need specific and personal guidance.
Vshred Quiz – What you will find on Vshred?
If you visit their site, the first thing you will see is a vshred quiz. That vshred quiz will help you identify what your goals are and what kind of program you are looking for.
After giving basic details, like height, weight, and the thing you are looking for, you will see a video from Vince about your goal and how Vshred will help you to reach that.
The goal of the video is to make the viewers comfortable and let them know what they are into. That basic video by Vince Sant will tell you how to achieve the physique you desire. Then at the end of the video, you will find basic information and what to do next from that point.
Custom workout plans are provided by email and these plans are updated weekly. In these plans, exercise, and duration are mentioned, and the whole map is shared, which will guide the subscribers on what they are supposed to do throughout the day to meet the goal for the day.
After the vshred quiz and introduction, you get an option where you can book a consultation call over Zoom. That call will guide you on how Vshred will customize the plan according to your needs.
Then after the video you may have a rough idea of what you want, and if not, then there are many programs offered by V shred to get you there.
Does Vshred Work? Is Vshred legit?
Vshred claims to unlock 780 fat-burning genes with the help of short interval-based workouts and meal plans. There are several programs of Vshred focusing on different objectives. Let us go through Vshred program reviews to understand how it could possibly work. Does vshred work? And is Vshred legit? Let us check out below.
Vshred Reviews of its Fitness Programs
To simplify things a bit further, Vshred provides many programs. You can choose them according to your goal and preference.
These programs are as follows:
Move at Home Program – Vshred Reviews
This program is for beginners. Those who are new to working out may need guided assistance about diet, workout, and everything related to fitness in the comfort of their home. The workout program is designed in such a way that you spend only 13-20 min a day, 5 days per week. This is about an hour a week as per below:
Full Body 14 min a day
Upper body 16 min a day
Cardio 15 min a day
Lower body 16 min a day
Tabata 15 min a day
The workout requires no equipment, and to avoid getting bored, each week new unique exercises are added.
The duration of this program is 30 days, and the fee is $47.
The program is suitable for both experts and those new to the gym or workouts, one can perform exercises at their own pace, and is based on the HIIT concept. Research also shows that short interval-based workouts such as HIIT burn more fat than longer tiresome workouts.
Fat loss extreme for him – Vshred Reviews
This 12-week fat-burning program is for men of all ages who want to seriously lose weight but have no clue where and how to start. This program will guide you on what to eat, what exercise you need to do, and how to lose fat without giving up your favorite meal.
The program is not for people who only desire to lose 3-4 lbs of weight. Rather it is for men who wish to lose 20-50lbs of excess fat.
Further, the program is a fat-burning and weight-loss and maintenance secret of elite bodybuilders, fitness models, and celebrities. Additionally, the program is designed based on your specific body type after the Vshred quiz is completed.
The workouts both short HIIT cardio sessions and ab shredding exercises comprise fast 45-minute duration exercises that make you burn fat throughout the day. The diet is also provided based on your body type with the correct ratio of macronutrients so that the body uses fat as fuel.
The videos and material comprise of 10 commandments of weight training, learning how to shred fat round the clock, 90-day muscle building, and step-by-step videos of workouts and exercises including ab sculpting ones in under 45 min.
The duration for this is 90 days and it costs $47.
Fat loss extreme for her – Vshred Program Reviews
A similar program but for females. Again, this program provides digital content about diet, exercise, and planning.
The program is designed for females who have tried everything to lose weight but have not been successful. Vince Sant claims that this program is extremely powerful, and women can lose 20-50 lbs of fat in just 90 days when working out 30 min/day only.
Further, the workouts are extremely easy to follow (simple HIIT sessions) by anyone and can be done in the comfort of your home. The HIIT sessions are simple and short 15-minute sessions that can burn fat and calories for up to 2 days. These short sessions produce the so-called ‘afterburn effect’ to lose fat.
The diet will include food you love and thus will have long-lasting results.
Vince Sant further informs that the workouts are not long boring cardio and the diet does not include giving up on carbs.
The strategy includes ‘carb cycling’ along with a diet and training program.
We all know that when we eat no carbs or low carbs, our body starts using fat for fuel. However, if carbs are depleted for a longer duration of time, one starts producing less leptin, a satiety-producing fat-burning hormone, and your metabolism slows down. Therefore, carb cycling helps in boosting the fat-burning leptin levels.
Carb cycling comprises alternating low-carb or no-carb days with moderate and high-carb days throughout the week.
Duration 90 days and it’s for $47.
Ripped in 90 days Vshred Program Reviews
The ‘Ripped in 90 days’ program is for advanced-level men, those who are already comfortable with the workout and not looking for just fat loss but a specific physique, lean and muscular body.
Other than guiding you about supplements and diet, the program also provides workout plans, about what exercises you are supposed to do in the next 90 days. These are updated weekly.
This is again a 100% digital program for men of all ages, beginner or advanced trainees. It is again a 12-week lifting program for increasing muscle mass and strength.
The workouts are 45-minute sessions comprising short HIIT cardio sessions and ab shredding workouts. Further, the program guides dietary strategies to customize your meal plan under 50 USD of groceries per week.
Further, some whey protein supplements are shown on their official website. It is not clear whether these supplements are part of the diet plan and in what quantities.
A diet guide is available for both beginner and advanced users, and the 10 commandments of weight training and HIIT cardio guide are provided.
The cost for this plan is $47.
Toned in 90 days Program – Vshred Reviews
A similar plan like Ripped in 90 Days, toned in 90 Days focuses on females and their needs, losing as well as sustaining weight.
The program claims to help women lose >17lbs in just 12 weeks without starving or with no carb diets or longer cardio sessions.
The program is designed on the concept that dieting slows the metabolism and that longer cardio is indeed a waste of time. All one needs is 3 15-min sessions per week. Isn’t that surprising? But that’s what is claimed with this anti-cardio program.
The toned program promises a flattened belly, sculpted thighs, arms and butt. The program is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee.
This program focuses on strength training, it costs around $57. This is advanced as well.
Accelerator Plus Program – Vshred Reviews
This metabolic accelerator plus program is a shortcut method to achieve your dream body and results. It is a 90-day program including nutrition and workout plans, a monthly video call with a trainer, a total body detox, and building a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Week 1-3. The Reset Phase – Includes 4 weeks of custom meals, carb cycling, and beginner-friendly workouts.
Weeks 4-6. The Reset Phase – No counting calories, carb cycling continues, modified as per personalized requirements.
Weeks 9-12. The Transform Phase – Advanced methods, diet substitutions, overcoming plateau strategies.
The program asks 20 questions to know if you are a good fit for the vshred accelerator program, however, no further detail is provided.
Custom Diet Plan Vshred Reviews
In this, there are 2 options.
First focus on a Diet plan for a month. Here, a fully customized diet plan is provided. That will tell you what to eat, how much to eat. This will cost $47 for 30 days
Another plan in this includes a workout as well so its a diet + training program. For 30 days, a training plan and custom diet are provided at $97.
Clean Bulk Program Vshred Reviews
Clean bulk costs around $87 for 90 days. This is a guided program for those who are already into working out and need to move further with their progress.
This is a program for skinny guys looking to increase their muscle mass. The official website mentions that one does not need to eat huge to be huge. But it is about eating the right kind of protein, maximizing testosterone and growth hormone through a 45-60 minute workout, and mindset changes.
This is an advanced program, and all the exercises are provided accordingly.
Six Pack Shred Vshred Program Reviews
Who doesn’t want 6 pack abs? With this program, you can learn how to achieve 6 packs with proper nutrition and training.
It provides exercises to strengthen the core, hitting all the muscles and adapting to fat burning workout without the need of thousands of crunches or sit-ups.
This is the cheapest program offered by vshred at $20 for 12 weeks. However, it’s for those who are already working out.
Big Arms Vshred Reviews
Many a time people need guidance on how to build arms. This program provides terrific information about how to do that.
For 6 weeks at $20, you can learn how to build big arms.
Booty Builder Vshred Program
An exclusive program for females, at $35. This program will guide you on what you may need to achieve your goals to build the perfect butt. That too without the need to do too many squats and lunges but with 7 different types of squat variations coupled with other exercises.
Vshred Recipe Guide
In $15, Vshred also provides a bunch of easy recipes that can be used in diet to get results.
What else does Vshred provide?
Other than a custom diet, training plan, guidance on how many macros you need in a day, and weekly check-ins, Vshred also has additional options.
It has a range of supplements under its brand Sculptnation. We won’t be naming them individually here, but these supplements are called to be helpful in your fitness journey.
However please note that these supplements are not provided with any of the programs mentioned above or there’s no proven fact that you may need supplements of Sculptnation only.
Along with supplements, Vshred also provides a range of female clothing. Their collection is decent, and the quality is good.
Vshred Reviews – The Positives
First, we will discuss all the good things about V Shred. The whole idea of this fitness regimen is fantastic. V Shred has been active since 2015 and till now it has helped over 3 million+ customers.
- It has tons of resources, so if there’s anything you need to learn, you can learn from its huge library. As we have already mentioned Vshred provides a nutrition plan as well, so when you are enrolled in any of the programs, you will know what to eat and how much to eat.
- The exercises provided are customized. When you answer a bunch of questions and when you are working with a specific coach, you can understand what to do and how to do it.
- The programs are flexible. These programs are not limited to the gym. The variety is for those who prefer to work out at home. The exercises are easy to follow.
- You get an option of weekly check-ins. In this, you are supposed to ask questions or get support in general. Coaches are available for you; they are certified, and you can even decide the pace you want to proceed.
- The introductory 30-minute Zoom call talks so much about how this program will work for you. The coaches will also ask you a lot of questions like workout history, and your goals, and your plan will be made accordingly. Even in weekly check-ins, you will get options to share your likes and dislikes, your stress levels, and whether you are enjoying the program or not
- Their customer service is quick and they respond quickly. Facebook’s groups are dedicated to extra help. They also provide 30 days refund option.
Vshred Reviews – The Negatives
Like 2 sides of a coin, Vshred also has another side. We have read some positives but cannot ignore the negatives. These negatives are not to scare or demotivate anyone about V Shred but to help them make an educated decision.
They provide a lot of information, but it’s confusing at times. The purpose of videos is to simplify, but they are giving additional information and it’s not helping in selecting the best program.
- Workout is definitely friendly (as mentioned), but techniques are not properly explained. Sometimes it feels like things are rushing, and it may not be the right program. A 5-day plan may not be sustainable for everyone.
- If you see all the programs and read the info under them, it’s the same. So, it’s confusing, as viewers may not get the idea of how Fat Loss Extreme is different from Ripped in 90 days, as the same info is repeated over and over again.
- Not much info is provided on various lifestyles, needs, and living. You are getting a plan and you are supposed to follow it, but in reality, different living conditions are not addressed.
- Some of the plans are highly charged, as similar programs are offered by others at cheaper prices. However, V Shred is result-oriented and has shown great results in many.
- As we have mentioned above Vshred operates in many countries, but the meal plan and routine are not country-specific. Clearly, country-specific meal plans are not provided. To reiterate again, living style and conditions are ignored.
- The programs are surely solid, but will they work for everyone? In one video, Vince mentioned how one size doesn’t fit all, but the program is for one body type. It may or may not work for everyone.
- We have also noticed that similar info is shared, like when you access the site, you will get 2 options, then no matter what you choose the videos are the same for that. This shows that videos are standardized and not for all.
- They have received a 2.2 rating (poor) on Trustpilot (2). It has received 64% 1 stars and only 16% 5 stars. The reviews there are mixed. Some people have issues with the things provided in the plan and customer support. While there are people who are satisfied with the service. Overall, it was seen that they were responsive to negative comments as well.
- It has received a similar rating on BBB (3.59/5) (3). People have complained about not getting a refund and no service provided. However, it has received more praise and fewer negative reviews from the Better Business Bureau.
- We have already mentioned that Vince is a co-creator and the face of the company. There are other creators, but not much information is provided for them. It has been shared by many people that V Shred is very aggressive in marketing.
- Like, they keep sending emails and try to keep selling their services. Their marketing strategy is criticized by many. However, we can say that it’s all fair to stay in business and nothing wrong with marketing. V Shred only sends emails or notifications if you show interest.
- Sculptnation, a supplement product of V Shred, did much better on Trustpilot (4). It has received a 3.2 rating and overall, 42% 5 stars. There are mixed reviews; there is some positive feedback about the products and some negative ones called it not worth it. There are some complaints about Sculptnation being pricey, which seems valid complaints.
- Speaking of pricey, it has also been observed that although the quality of clothes by Vshred is amazing, they are overpriced as similar products are available at a cheaper price.
Is Vshred legit? How Vshred can help in Weight Loss Based on Scientific Evidence?
Vshred’s approach to fitness and weight loss is rooted in science-backed principles. The program emphasizes a combination of structured exercise routines and personalized diet plans, which align with numerous scientific studies. For instance, research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (5) shows the effectiveness of combining dietary modifications with regular physical activity for sustainable weight loss.
The Vshred programs are designed to promote gradual, sustainable weight loss, which has been shown to be more effective for long-term success. According to a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (6) individuals who lose weight gradually are more likely to maintain their weight loss compared to those who experience rapid weight changes. V Shred’s focus on gradual progress and lifestyle adjustments aligns with this research, making it a science-based approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Understanding the science behind weight loss is essential, and this is where factors like leptin come into play. Leptin, often referred to as the ‘satiety hormone,’ plays a crucial role in regulating body weight and appetite. Scientific research, such as studies published in the ‘Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism’ highlights the significance of leptin in influencing hunger and metabolism (7). Vshred recognizes the importance of such factors in effective weight management and incorporates this knowledge into its programs.
Vshred also introduces concepts like carb cycling, a strategic dietary approach that can optimize macronutrient intake, potentially enhancing your weight loss journey. It involves alternating between periods of higher and lower carbohydrate intake.
Research in the ‘Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition’ (8) suggests that carb cycling when combined with resistance training, can help preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss. This approach aligns with V shred’s commitment to providing holistic fitness solutions based on scientific principles.
However, these things are not for everyone. Beginners need not worry too much about these concepts and throughout the program Vshred will take care of various things.
Who may need Vshred programs?
We need to understand that these programs need dedication, when you are enrolled in these, you not only have to give money to it, but also energy, time, and effort. However, there are many benefits one can have if one starts a healthy journey.
For instance, a wealth of scientific evidence (9) supports the notion that weight loss plays a significant role in diabetes prevention and management. A study published in the Diabetes Care journal investigated the impact of modest weight loss on individuals at risk of developing type 2 diabetes (10). The results were nothing short of remarkable – participants who achieved a 5-10% reduction in body weight substantially lowered their risk of progressing to full-blown diabetes.
Weight loss was found to enhance insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar levels, and even lead to complete respite in some cases. These findings highlight the immense potential of weight loss as a preventive measure and a therapeutic approach for individuals with diabetes.
Another study (11) demonstrated that shedding excess weight can lead to a remarkable reduction in cardiovascular risk factors. Participants who achieved a 5-10% reduction in their initial body weight saw significant improvements in their heart health markers. They experienced lower levels of triglycerides, a decrease in the thickness of artery walls, and enhanced cardiac function. These outcomes underscore the critical role of weight management in safeguarding cardiovascular well-being.
Everyone needs to lose weight? Maybe not, but we definitely need to stay active and eat healthy. Our main focus should be eating healthy most of the time and sticking to a fitness routine.
Vshred is very helpful for those who are beginners and those who have less time to look out for multiple options. As mentioned above, Vshred is giving total fitness solutions to those who want results and are tired of checking multiple sources. We are not saying everyone may need guided training, but it’s a great option for those who want trustful results.
In the end, customers are the ones who can judge better after getting into it. The results may not be visible immediately, but they can be achieved with consistency and effort. When you are enrolled in a program, you need to show effort and trust the process.
- https://vshred.com/
- https://www.trustpilot.com/review/vshred.com
- https://www.bbb.org/us/tx/dallas/profile/health-products/v-shred-llc-0875-91225850
- https://www.trustpilot.com/review/sculptnation.com
- https://ajcn.nutrition.org/article/S0002-9165(23)66128-3/fulltext
- https://www.jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.jacc.2015.03.002
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1521690X07000784
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2951044/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002962915379751
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4238418/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3120182/
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Authors are qualified professionals from the in-house team of Healthieyoo.com.