At, we pay strict attention to the medical and editorial integrity of our content. Our content is developed based on strict editorial guidelines. and its affiliated social media pages are committed to bringing you accurate, trustworthy, and unbiased health and wellness-related information. We cover a wide variety of areas related to health and wellness.
We strive to ensure that the content is original, accurate, and evidence-based. Our writers and guest authors are required to confirm the originality of the posts.
We maintain a rigorous approach to information and strive to provide original and evidence-based content. We understand the importance of reliable, accurate, and trustworthy information, and our team of authors and experts ensures that all articles and resources are thoroughly researched. We aim to provide scientific and evidence-based information in simple and easy-to-understandable language.
Every article or blog post content is developed by our in-house editorial writers, or guest authors, who are experts in the field. We also provide the personal viewpoints of professionals in the field. While we strive to publish only accurate and trustworthy content written by qualified and/or experienced professionals in the field, it is important to note that our website does not replace medical advice from your own physician or health care professional. The content provided on our website is for educational and information purposes only and we do not intend to treat, cure, or diagnose any health condition.
Our authors comprise physicians, registered dietitians, pharmacists, pharmacologists, nurses, certified personal trainers, nutritionists, experts, and other health and fitness professionals. We always welcome fresh perspectives or viewpoints by inviting guest authors or accepting guest posts. All the content provided to us is reviewed by our editors.
The unique quality that sets us apart is the celebration of diversity in voices and perspectives. By embracing diversity, we recognize that health and wellness are not one-size-fits-all concepts. Different cultures have their unique practices, beliefs, and approaches to maintaining well-being. Our guest authors, who hail from diverse professional backgrounds, contribute their expertise and experiences to provide a comprehensive view of health and wellness. We ensure that individuals from different communities, ethnicities, and identities feel seen and heard. We recognize that health and wellness encompass a multitude of approaches, and by embracing different cultures, opinions, practices, and professional backgrounds, we create an inclusive platform that offers valuable insights to our global audience.
Some of our content is sponsored content or is written a by third party, we mention the same on our website. We also publish product reviews. All guest blogs, editorial content, sponsored posts or external posts, and product reviews have been clearly distinguished on our website.
We disclose that some of our articles or blog posts or product reviews are sponsored posts, and some may have affiliate links. We clearly disclose this information in the blog post or article or review. Please read our Advertising disclosure for more information. However, our editors take the quality of content very seriously, hence, you will always find a balanced perspective, highlighting both the pros and the cons.
Few product reviews are commissioned, and we receive compensation for writing them. However, we assure to provide a balanced view of the product ingredients including benefits as well as possible side effects and risks. The content is written without any bias despite getting compensation. For product reviews, we only write information from credible scientific studies.
We may earn a small commission through affiliate links if you buy through them. However, this does not influence our decision to present a balanced view.
You will understand that the above also helps us to sustain and supports us in bringing to you more well-researched quality content on health and wellness.
We have strict guidelines for the literature we cite. Therefore, we mainly rely on studies or data published in peer-reviewed scientific journals of high quality. We rely only on high-quality, well-researched, scientific content from peer-reviewed sources including PubMed, ScienceDirect, academic journals, medical associations, and societies, and we cite the sources in our articles. We cite reputed and authoritative societies, organizations, and institutes such as NIH, CDC, NAMI, etc. We avoid citing predatory literature or journals with questionable reputations.
We acknowledge that errors can occur, and we appreciate your diligence in bringing them to our attention. After all, we are humans, and mistakes can happen. If you believe that any of the content provided is inaccurate, misleading, or infringing on copyright, please get in touch with us promptly with specific details. We will thoroughly investigate the matter and take appropriate action, including content removal if deemed necessary.
It’s important to note that the information presented is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For personalized medical guidance, we strongly advise consulting with qualified healthcare physicians.