Realize the superpower of Self for your optimal wellbeing. Here is how..
Since childhood, we are constantly asked the question?
“What will you be when you grow up / leave school?”
“I Want to be …..A fireman, an astronaut, and The Prime Minister” are just some of the amazing answers many young children have, even the younger version of you would respond with enthusiasm and a determination of ambition. Then in teenage years, the questions range from I am going to be a Doctor, a Lawyer, go to university, get a trade, study this subject or attend a particular further education institution.
We are hypnotised by images formed by our being, by our presence, by our family, our surroundings, our influences, our schoolteachers, the images in advertising, the TV ‘programs’, the idyllic superhero figure (Think superman, Cinderella, Barbie, Action Man figures) to name a few.
But what about the power of self, the power of our own being, of our self-image or reflections?
Do we ever really take the time to acknowledge who we are? What is our purpose? Do we gravitate mostly to external accolades of gratitude, praise, or criticism (even constructive), do we ever tell ourselves “I Am………”. When was the last time we actually allowed ourselves the praise of giving ourselves a ‘pat on the back’ for being uniquely ourselves?
Take a look at a few factors – One’s own identity – who are you? Who do you want to be?
Who are you right now?
The superpower of the communication of health to ourselves?
We learn the use of language, the logical use of numbers, the ability to be curious, to learn, to be vulnerable without judgment, to be fearless, to be challenging, and developing our identity in the world.
As we learn more skills, and lessons in life, what happens to our power of imagination? What happens to the power of using our subconscious mind to our strength?
The value we place on health, our health is something we are programmed to take for granted. Every year we see greeting cards for celebrations stating the language of ‘good health for the day, year – but what does it actually mean?
Taking the first 4 letters, which also contain in the alphabetical language the first 2 vowels,
‘Heal’. Do we heal our bodies, minds, and energetic hearts daily, or do we take this for granted?
What is health? Is it physical, Is it mental? Is it spiritual? Is it being in the moment? How do we fuel this health of ourselves?
Do we fuel our central core of our physical body with the right fuel to create our own optimal health, our own self fulfilled machine of life, our superpower of self?
The abundance of self-help/healing books is a great tool, however what about the more intimate tool of knowing your true self of you, you are the superpower, the CEO of over 40 trillion cells in your gut daily.
We feed ourselves daily with food but is it real food fuelling real thoughts, allowing the real flow of clarity and real health?
Since the mid-1980s, most western societies have adopted the ‘government dietary guidelines’ in relation to ‘healthy eating’. Is this really healthy living? This is known in many cultures as the Standard American (Australian) Diet, known as SAD!!! What an acronym SAD!!!! The emotion of being SAD, unhappy, ill, grief, and not well are just some of the associations with being sad, yet these ‘guidelines’ are being amplified from all corners both in the commercial world, medical world, the nutritional world as the ‘optimal’ way of health?
What about the famous lines of ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’, according to whom? Is it really?
These guidelines which in essence have a message that most food intake should be over 50% carbohydrates, over 30% fats, and less than 20% protein in almost every meal we consume. The message is carbohydrates (essentially starch which converts to sugar), fats (which are generally saturated fats such as vegetable oils (raising the question of do vegetables contain oils?), and proteins (real foods). Correlate this to some of the growth of chronic illness and diseases over this same period, such as obesity, insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome), gut issues, intolerance, cancers, not to mention the uptake of mental health as the connection between gut health and mental health is emerging.
We all have our own choice to feed ourselves what our body needs, desire, and requires. Does it require excess sugar, when our organs produce exactly what our bodies require daily? Does it require excess toxins in our mouth from the first bite of a ‘healthy snack bar’ or a ‘breakfast cereal’? Are we protecting our bodies from the inside daily to ensure our bones are healthy? Is our blood, red and white blood flowing well? Are our joints working well? Are we consuming real food? Are we consuming real minerals?
The superpower of self is our responsibility to nurture, respect, and honour our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing daily. To celebrate the gift we have of life.
The superpower of fuelling our bodies with real foods for real clarity of mind, for real health outcomes are our daily responsibility of both our consciousness and unconscious mind?
What would your superpower be in your life? Would it be erratically jumping to the next process, fuelled by processed foods, by food-like products?
Reframing our thoughts from childhood of always wanting to be something, to move forward to grow up are great and without doubt, have an impact on our being in life. To capture some of this fearlessness, this desire to be, and the world of heroism, what about the superhero of self?
On a daily basis, if we were to give our superpower of self a performance review on how we have nurtured our inner bodies, our inner organs, and our blood, what would your brain say to your gut?
The superpower of self is a daily gift of mastery, of learning, being curious, being fearless, of saying words such as ‘I don’t know, but willing to learn’, being fuelled by proper human foods for proper human well-being of thoughts to ensure one’s self-image of oneself is the superpower. Your gut health feeds your brain health allowing your energetic heart to flourish in your journey of optimal wellbeing – Your journey!

Martin is an entrepreneur, recognised Global leader and a visionary with a passion for healthy lifestyle, is the CEO and Co-Founder of Tackling the Silence, with a focus on the mental wellness and nutritional health of corporate organizations and on men’s wellness and mental wellbeing. A regular columnist for several media outlets, an International Best selling Author, Martin holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel Management & Nutrition, a Master’s Degree in International Marketing, post qualifications in mental health, and Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.