Millionaires and successful people all around the world create their own reality using the power of their subconscious minds to create the outcomes they want in their life. They hold the belief that they can achieve anything that they set their mind to. And you can achieve it too through hypnotherapy or by simply realizing the power of your subconscious mind!
Marcus Aurelius once said,
“you have the power over your mind, not outside events”
Your dream life is not going to be handed to you by some genie from a lamp. You already have the magic inside of you to transform your dreams into reality through the power of your subconscious mind.
It’s quite simple really, you just need to convince yourself you can. All you need is the utter conviction and strength to believe you can be authentically and unapologetically you. Without the fear of judgement from anyone outside of you.
Don’t seek to be anyone but your authentic self!
Do you feel that you have the courage to push through the agony that will guide you to create the life of your dreams?
Beliefs that you currently hold about yourself are withholding you from gaining the life you deserve to have.
In my hypnotherapy clinic, the main repetitive belief that I hear time and time again is “Not feeling worthy enough”. Does this resonate with you?
In most cases, this belief has been formed by other people’s judgement of you. Your parents, your partner and even the school bully.
When you take the time to sit with these beliefs, you will realize that you have the complete power to change them through the power of your subconscious mind.
I recently had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful lady who worked with the late Bob Proctor, Sheena Canter. She shared something with me that I would love to share with you,
“It is never the THING that you are scared of. It’s the JUDGEMENT of the thing”
I was talking with her about my avoidance of public speaking. Did you know that the fear of public speaking outranks the fear of DEATH? I learnt this recently from attending a public speaking event, and guess what? I didn’t die.
I decided to speak in public because I had learnt it was never the THING that scares you, just the judgement.
I used hypnotherapy to convince my subconscious mind that I did not need my body to go into “Fight or Flight” mode. There was no lion waiting to attack me. Just a room full of wonderful people willing to listen to what I had to say.
The mind can be so powerful once you know how to use it correctly. The power of your subconscious mind has been well-documented throughout history. There is even a passage in the bible from Romans 12.2,
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”
For the less spiritual of you out there, for understanding hypnotherapy or the power of your subconscious mind, take your mind to the world of science for a moment, what is the placebo effect?
For years, the placebo effect was shunned by the medical world. It’s only now that the medical community is beginning to look at placebo drugs as a success and potential.
This means that some of the greatest minds in the world now BELIEVE in the power of the subconscious mind to heal itself.
Hypnotherapy is an extremely powerful tool to gain control over your subconscious mind. In hypnosis, you can start imagining your life the way you want it whilst creating an everlasting impression on your subconscious mind.
The subconscious will think about this image all day long and bring about circumstances for it to happen. Almost like MAGIC!
You will automatically start to make different choices in line with the image you have created in your mind. You will easily take small steps forwards in line with your dreams and goals.
Hypnotherapy is a very misunderstood treatment due to the myths and misconceptions given by stage shows and Hollywood. The thing to remember is the show is a “performance” and a movie is to “entertain”.
Sadly, many people have not discovered its power. People under hypnosis are in “CONTROL”. In other words, you will not be made to “bark” in a hypnosis session.
Hypnotherapy completely transformed my life and cured me of my post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) flashbacks following a violent and vicious attack. It is such a powerful tool that transforms people’s lives daily, giving them power over their minds.
So maybe you can’t afford hypnotherapy right now, what do you have? The power of your subconscious mind is always available to you.
Visualize Right NOW!
Start by simply imagining your life the way you want it right now. Don’t play it safe; dream BIG.
I want you to imagine not the life you think you can get, but the life you have no idea how to! Create a picture in your mind, big, bold, and bright.
What would that life look like?
What will this life feel like?
What would you hear?
Who is there with you?
What emotions do you feel?
When you have finished, I would like you to write this dream life down on a piece of paper. Have fun creating this, do not second guess anything.
Just FLOW with the power of your subconscious mind!
I would like you to read and re-read this every single day until you believe it to be true. I want you to be able to reel it off your tongue like your childhood telephone number- completely memorized.
You could even choose to create a vision board.
A vision board is a powerful tool to keep you visualizing throughout the day if you hang it on the wall of your house or office. Everything that comes into your life is attracted by the images created in your mind.
When you start working with the power of your subconscious mind, you’ll also encounter obstacles when you try to change. But don’t let these obstacles stop you, I like to think of these as the universe checking in with you. Almost to test you; to ask, are you sure this is what you want?
If you stay firm with the image in your mind you will create the life of your dreams. What have you got to lose?
Close your eyes and start to imagine the life of your dreams. You will become what you think about all day long.
Choose to transform your life with the POWER of your subconscious MIND!

Louise Slattery, Dip Hyp, is an extremely positive Clinical Hypnotherapist and Life Transformer who truly believes that life is worth living to the fullest. She is passionate about assisting people to achieve their dreams and goals in life with the power of Hypnotherapy, NLP and personal development. She also helps and guides people recovering from their traumas and those affected by low-esteem issues. Louise is based at London, UK.