May is Mental Health Awareness Month resource and here is the much-awaited Mental Health Toolbox Part 9 on Mental Health Awareness Month 2022 on Grounding techniques.
“The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides, and in its depths, it has its pearls too.” Vincent Van Gogh
In light of May 2022 being mental health awareness month, we move on to our next resource – Mental Health Toolbox, “The Sander.” The Sander is a tool or resource used to create smooth surfaces before, after, and during a project. You use a sander to create a nice finish after the mess of assembly and construction.
Much like the Sander, this Mental Health Toolbox reminds me of “Grounding Techniques” – 5 things you SEE, 4 things you TOUCH, 3 things you HEAR, 2 things you SMELL, and 1 thing you TASTE. These sensory items or grounding techniques are used as a Mental Health toolbox in situations to reduce your anxiety, improve your thought process and promote stability in situations that cause stress or uncertainty.

My sister Beth is the “Sander” in the family. Her calm ways, soft-spoken words, and light heart create a settling atmosphere in a much busy environment. Beth is the baby of the family and has weathered the storm of older siblings and now many grandkids. She is able to adapt to all situations by keeping it light and embracing the changes.
Grounding techniques are versatile tools that can be used in multiple situations when we need to regroup, be brought back down to earth, or place our feet on the ground so we can proceed. Keep these in the front as your Mental Health toolbox. However, these are most likely skills you are using and don’t even recognize that you are.
Let’s discuss further the grounding techniques as a Mental Health toolbox for mental health awareness month 2022 and what these skills look like.
Grounding techniques – 5 things you SEE
Mental Health Awareness Month 2022
Picture yourself in a large setting, or shopping in a busy marketplace, you start to feel lightheaded, your heart is pounding, and you are losing focus of what is going on around you. At this moment, start focusing your eyes on items around you such as the pictures on the wall, the different colors or patterns you see around you, people that are familiar to you, or the shopping list you brought. As you focus on these items, monitor your breathing. If you notice short fast breaths, start breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. For instance, if you are focusing on your shopping list, start reading it slowly, as you breathe in and out and feel your heartbeat starting to get back to pace. Most importantly, select visual images that are appealing to you, calming, bright, and not too busy.
Grounding Techniques – 4 things you TOUCH
Mental Health Awareness Month 2022
There are some key items you may want to consider bringing with you if you know that your anxiety could be an issue or while entering a new situation that you are uncertain of. Some examples of this grounding technique could be a smooth rock, a soft cloth, a pop it, or anything with a texture that feels appealing to you and will assist in reducing your anxiety.
Many consumers that I have worked with in the past have placed a smooth rock in their pocket that is calm to touch and can be rubbed in a motion that promotes balanced breathing and distraction from what’s happening around you. Other examples include wearing a jacket or clothing item that promotes a soft or calm feeling and a coping skill right on you that no one knows about. I myself even find a smooth water bottle relaxing to hold, its sensory ability doubles as you may also put something tasty in there and use 2 grounding techniques at once. SWEET! Secret coping skills are great and helpful.
Grounding Techniques – 3 things you HEAR
Mental Health Awareness Month 2022
Ever walk through the store and see someone with earbuds in? Ever find yourself losing track of time in a department store because you are singing along to the songs? This is a grounding technique many uses to help them stay focused and calm all while promoting a smile or even a little hop in their step as they dance their way through their shopping or stressful situation. Give it a try yourself, bring your favorite tunes with you, listen to the bird’s chip outside while walking around, pay attention to the sounds around you and you may notice something you never have before. This is a great distraction and a positive way to put a smile on your face and reduce your anxiety. Meditation and guided imagery are more examples of ways that you can use “hearing” as a way to promote balance, reduce racing thoughts and gain confidence to cope with increased symptoms.
Grounding Techniques – 2 things you SMELL
Mental Health Awareness Month 2022
When I think of smell I think of essential oils. Peppermint, lavender, mint, lemon the list goes on and on. These can be purchased at your local health store or online. A small bottle of these potent oils can be in your purse, on your desk, by your bed, or in your car. Aromatherapy provides your brains with appealing scents that make you feel a certain way or bring you to your happy place. Lotions, perfumes, and certain parts of the stores such as the bakery. These can all be effective ways to take a moment, focus on your breathing, smell what’s around you, and shut out the stressors that you are experiencing.
Grounding Techniques – 1 thing you TASTE
Mental Health Awareness Month 2022
What is your favorite chocolate? Favorite gum? Favorite snack? I always have some flavor of gum with me in my purse or my car. I find myself chewing gum not only for the taste but to keep me busy and distract me when I am feeling anxious, wound up or my mind is racing. Keep something with you in this grounding technique, and maybe only use it as a calming tool, this will train your brain that your piece of big red gum is a coping skill, and “it” needs to take a time out. I do believe that many of you already utilize taste to soothe your mind and regroup.
I have seen boxes put together with an item placed in there that represents the 5 grounding techniques individuals feel are most helpful when they are in need of symptom management and positive reinforcements. The above grounding techniques are the “Sander” in your Mental Health toolbox. They smooth out the kinks so we are able to function in the community, at a gathering, or at any appointment we must attend.
Developing an awareness of your surroundings in a positive manner is the first step in changing the outcome and building our confidence to keep trying new things or challenging ourselves to engage in new activities that we know may cause small setbacks or increased anxiety.
I say it time and time again, we can never have enough tools or resources!
Referring to my first article, if we have multiple tools to fix our house, our car, or even our physical health, then why not have multiple mental health tools that improve our mental health. We do not have to suffer through things, we can implement our “Sander” skills and conquer anything that comes our way.
Start learning more about grounding techniques today, for a better experience tomorrow. Let us learn these grounding techniques as a useful resource on Mental Health Awareness Month 2022!
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Rebecca (Becky) Schmitz is an Executive Director of Vikingsland Community Support Program at Minnesota, United States serving those with mental illness in the community providing Adult Mental Health Rehabilitative Services. She has been active in the mental health field for 15+ years. Through trial and error with consumers along with her own challenges in life, her passion is to spread information and hope to everyone.