What Is Ketogenic Or Keto Diet?
The ketogenic diet is now most commonly knowns as Keto Diet. Is keto a fad diet? Let us see the difference between therapeutic and fad keto diets and how a keto dietitian helps. The keto diet is a therapeutic diet first, which is mainly used for Epilepsy and other neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, autism, etc. Recent research also observed uses of the Keto diet in Obesity (weight loss), PCOS, Type-2 diabetes & cancer. There are many misconceptions about the ketogenic/ keto diet, and this is because it’s been misused by quacks or self-proclaimed nutritionists for weight loss.
For almost 15 years, I have been treating epilepsy patients and involved in several research work, I have witnessed ketogenic therapy in a more practical way. I am also practicing it for weight loss, PCOS & type 2 diabetes and also observed its effectiveness in the early stages of cancer. I have experienced tremendous positive results in obese and type 2 diabetes clients for weight loss and maintenance of normal blood glucose levels without oral hypoglycemic agents (OHA) respectively. For epilepsy patients, I have observed controlled seizures.
I believe that inner well-being is as important as your outer appearance. So, along with your before and after pictures of weight loss, I would also prefer to compare your before-after blood parameters.
A well-formulated keto diet is safe if followed under expert supervision with the correct protocol.
So, I have been training qualified dietitians for Ketogenic therapies (authentic protocol). I have always believed that a well-read or trained keto dietitian will always have a positive approach to it because they know that if you follow the correct protocol of the ketogenic/ keto diet there are minimal chances of side effects. And these qualified keto dieticians are so trained that even they can manage those side effects clinically.
Thus, there is a need to spread awareness of authentic knowledge and protocol about the ‘therapeutic keto diet’ against the ‘Fad keto diet’ which is given by quacks.
The therapeutic keto diet is the one which is used by qualified keto dieticians based on clinical evidence and protocol and the current fad keto diet, which is claimed to be the Keto diet is used by self-proclaimed nutritionists for weight loss without having the correct knowledge of this diet.
How does Keto Diet work?
Let’s understand how Keto Diet works & since when it existed
In persons consuming carbohydrate-rich meals, glucose is used as an energy source whereas a person consuming a keto diet, will use fat in the form of ketones as an energy source which is similar to the effects during fasting. The ketogenic diet has not emerged recently. It’s been there around the 5th century. It was not until the early twentieth century that medical use of the ketogenic diet emerged as a strategy to mimic the biochemical effects of fasting (or starvation).
In the past, many dietary “cures” for epilepsy were advocated. However, fasting as a treatment for seizures was less recognized. Fasting is the only therapeutic measure against epilepsy recorded in the Hippocratic collection. In the fifth century BC, Hippocrates reported on a man who had been seized by epileptic convulsions. Complete restraint from food and drink was prescribed, and the cure was effective.
Now that we know the history, let’s discuss a few important points in Keto diet practice as mentioned below:
What is a Therapeutic Ketogenic diet?
Is Keto A Fad Diet?
How it is different from the Fad keto diet?
How to find a qualified keto dietitian to follow a ketogenic diet?
Why go for a qualified keto dietitian for the ketogenic diet?
Therapeutic Ketogenic diet
Keto diet is a low carbohydrate, adequate protein (as per WHO recommendation), and a high-fat diet. It is a highly individualized and restricted diet. It is calculated in the form of different ratios, for example, a 2:1 ratio where 2 is the part of fat and 1 is the part of protein and carbohydrate.

There are different types of ketogenic therapies used for different disorder/disease conditions or co-morbidities. These types of ketogenic diets are used as a single therapy or in combination with different disease conditions or disorders.
Therapeutic Ketogenic Diet Vs Fad Keto Diet
1. |
Used in Epilepsy & other neurological disorders. Now also effective in Obesity, PCOS, Type 2 diabetes & Cancer |
Used only in weight loss |
2. |
Given by qualified ketogenic diet expert dietitian |
Given by quacks |
3. |
Evidence-based |
Self-proclaimed |
4. |
For Obesity, weight loss is done gradually which depends on individual metabolism |
Quick weight loss in a shorter duration |
5. |
No yo-yo effect or any side effects |
Yo-yo effects & side effects such as Hyperlipidemia, Renal Stones, Hyperuricemia, Keto flu, Hypoglycemia, and Ketoacidosis. |
6. |
Monitoring Ketone levels
Not Monitoring Ketone levels |
7. |
Monitoring the blood parameters |
Not Monitoring the blood parameters |
8. |
Selecting candidates/patients on basis of the blood investigations. |
No protocol for selection of patients, therefore given to anyone and everyone. |
How and why to choose a Qualified keto dietitian for the ketogenic diet:
§ The Qualified Keto Dietitian will always ask for baseline blood tests to select the candidate i.e., patients or clients for the ketogenic diet.
§ For Weight loss, a Qualified keto dietitian will never predict how much you will lose in a month as it is always dependent on your metabolism which will be known after following the diet for at least a month.
§ A qualified dietitian will plan a customized ketogenic diet as it is highly individualized.
§ He/she would plan a keto ratio that prevents Keto-flu, hypoglycemia, and ketoacidosis which is observed in fad keto diets.
§ Qualified keto dietitian will never advise the ketogenic diet for weight loss until it is extremely necessary for the patient who has tried all the other diets and failed to achieve the target.
The ketogenic/ Keto diet is not an easy diet to follow at the same time it is not easy to practice. If not followed or practiced clinically will certainly have consequences. So, always choose a Qualified Keto Dietitian and follow her protocol accurately.

Dietitian Dhanashri Khedekar Kale is a Clinical & Research Dietician (P.G.D. in Dietetics & Hospital Food Service) specialized in Ketogenic Therapies in Epilepsy & Other Neurological disorders & Weight- loss for over 15 years and is a Certified Nutrigenomic Counselor based at Mumbai, India. She is a member of IDA (Mumbai Chapter).