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High uric acid levels with Tophi – a raising concern

uric acid pain, tophi uric acid pain, tophi

High uric acid levels in blood (hyperuricemia) is a raising concern leading to pain and inflammation in joints and conditions like Gout, Kidney stones, blood in urine, lumps beneath the skin called Tophi. Here are the causes, symptoms and ways to reduce high uric acid levels in the body including dietary advice. Know which foods are high in uric acid and foods to avoid.

What is uric acid?

Uric acid is a metabolite / waste product formed from digestion of chemical called purine which is present in natural foods like organ meats, dried beans, fish mushrooms etc. It is a natural process which occur every other day. 

Kidneys helps in elimination/ excretion of uric acid through urine. But if body makes excess amount of uric acid or kidneys fail to eliminate, then uric acid builds up is seen and urine analysis shows high levels of uric acid. Uric acid levels may increase in blood which is called hyperuricemia. Men are most commonly effected compared to women.

How much is normal range of uric acid?

For males 3.4 to 7mg/dl

For females 2.4 to 6mg/dl

What causes the higher levels of uric acid?

  • Genetic predisposition
  • High consumption of purine rich diet that produces high amount of uric acid
  • Improper elimination/ excretion by kidneys mostly caused due to
    • Sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle
    • Habits like Alcohol intake or smoking
    • Overweight/ obesity
  • Medication like Diuretics, Niacin, Aspirin, antidepressants etc

What are the symptoms of Hyperuricemia leading to Tophi?

High uric acid if not eliminated get crystallized and accumulate in joints (a serious condition called gout) or accumulated in kidneys (in form of kidney stones). Crystals may lump beneath the skin to form tophi.

1) Gout

When uric acid crystals accumulates in joint there will be symptoms like pain and inflammation. Affected joint will be red, swollen and tender, and some people experience hot/ warmth on the joints. Most commonly, it affects big toe joint. Also may affect fingers, wrist, heels less commonly.

High Uric Acid Joint Pain, Tophi


2) Uric acid Kidney Stones


– Pain in the back or groin area.

– Bloody urine

– Nausea/ vomiting

– Fever and chill

3) Tophi

If not treated for the uric acid, crystals may form lumps beneath the skin, which are named tophi. Tophi are mostly formed on finger joints, toe joints or elbows. Usually, Tophi are not painful but during a gout attack, the tophi becomes swollen and painful on touch.

What are the ways to reduce high uric acid and Tophi in the body?

Limit intake of purine rich foods like,

  • Organ meats
  • Fish like anchovies, herring, sardines, mackerel etc.
  • Mushrooms
  • Dried beans and peas etc.

Follow a Healthy lifestyle 

Healthy lifestyle helps in improving the clearance or excretion of excess uric acid through kidneys. Follow these natural ways like,

  • Stay hydrated – this helps in increasing pH of urine and prevent urine from becoming acidic in nature. Acidic urine promotes formation of more uric acid. So, drinking enough water is very important to prevent uric acid formation thereby preventing complications like gout, tophi formation, kidney stones etc. 
  • Stop alcohol consumption as ethanol increases the concentration of purines in the blood.
  • Stop smoking (smoking cause dehydration which makes urine pH acidic, so should be stopped)
  • Consume a well-balanced fresh homemade food.
  • Increase your physical activity- follow an exercise routine, Avoid sitting for long time, use stairs instead of lift.
  • Completely avoid intake of,

– Packaged and processed foods like frozen foods mayonnaise, ketchup, cereal bars, processed meat and cheese

– Refined foods like sugar, bakery, cakes, biscuits, white bread, sweets etc.

  • Have adequate sleep.
  • Reduce stress and improve psychological well-being.

Important points to remember

  • Uric acid is a metabolite/ waste material formed from breakdown of purine present in foods like organ meat, fish, mushrooms and dried beans etc.
  • High uric acid levels is seen due to high intake of purine rich foods or improper elimination through kidneys.
  • Decrease intake of purine rich foods, drink enough water, avoid alcohol, increase physical activity, proper sleep helps decrease in uric acid levels thereby causing gout, tophi formation etc.
  • If left untreated, uric acid get crystallize and builds up in joints and kidneys leading to serious conditions like gout, kidney stones, tophi etc.
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