How to sleep tight and right?
Are you sleeping, ok? How many hours are you able to sleep? Are you getting enough sleep that you can go through the next day without blowing up on someone? Do you sleep tight and right?
For those of you whose answers are all right and you’re sleeping like a baby, well done.
And for the rest, if you’re waiting for me to say that it’s ok that you’re not getting enough sleep, NO I’m not going to say that. Because it’s ABSOLUTELY NOT OK. That you’re not getting enough sleep. And I can show how to get better quality sleep, how to sleep better. Here are a few tips on better sleep that will answer how to sleep tight and right.
I understand, trust me, I really do, not being able to sleep either because you’re just super active during the night-time, or just want to “LIVE” the night, or maybe night is the only time you can actually spend time with yourself and cry it out. Or you’re working a night shift in a job that you really can’t leave. Whatever the reason, it’s all understandable but it’s NOT ok. We must sleep tight!
Because our bodies are naturally designed in a way to sleep at night and work during the day. For those of you who work the night shifts, I would like to tell you that you and your body really deserve better, the consequences are really not worth anything you’re given at the end of the month. Instead of working for a faraway company, maybe you can take up something that’s really close to your place and country and goes with your natural time making you, your family, and the economy happy. They can even pay you more than what you got because of your experience in a better and more successful firm. Doesn’t that sound great? Think about it.
So, now that we’ve talked about the time and how the choice of work timings affects our sleep. And why we should not let it affect our ability to sleep tight.
Let’s discuss the sleep cycle.
Essentially a sleep cycle is of 90 minutes.
I’ll spare you the technical aspects of it, in short, it is just 30 min of relaxing the body, 30 min of dream body sleep, and 30 minutes of deep sleep. Throughout the night, your body goes through this sleep cycle. And you are supposed to get 6 such cycles to complete the whole 9 hours of sleep.
But, for many of us because of all the other things planned in our calendars, we can’t even dream of getting 9 hours of sleep!
Even to me, it sounds like way too much time for sleep.
The quote by an Indian freedom fighter “Aaram haram hai” was taken way too seriously by many of us, and few of us just want to work and work and push ourselves to finish it during the night.
But for what? All of us know that we perform better when we’re rested better and slept well.
So, how to get sleep better or how to get better sleep quality, or how to sleep tight and right?
Tips for better sleeping – Tips to sleep tight and right
So, here you’ll find free tricks and tips for better sleeping that I’ve tried and tested and that work for better and tight sleep.
#1 Eat 3 hours before bedtime to sleep tight
Sleeping right after you’ve had dinner would sound like a very relaxing thing to do. But, it’s actually harming your body more than you think. So, the tip for better sleeping is that you need to digest the food before you hit the sack. And if you get hungry, try having some chamomile tea or a cup of hot milk for those relaxing and sleep hormones to kick in.
#2 Spend time with family in your sleeping sanctuary
Another tip for sleeping tight is to spend time with your family before sleeping. This would essentially do two things. It would probably keep you away from your phone and the most important give you those happy hormones and the warmth of spending time with a loved one right before bed (Tip- keeps nightmares at bay )
#3 Have a warm bath followed by skincare
This is my personal favorite. Doesn’t it sound great, when after a long day you just soak yourself in hot water and then moisturize your skin with ghee or any other lotion of your choice? Trust me it’ll help you sleep a lot better.
#4 Reflect and plan a journal to sleep tight
Reflect on how your day was and what did you do that made the day better and re-plan. Write a journal entry of all the things that are on your mind and that conversation that is really bothering you. Write everything down. It really helps. It’s 101% better than thinking it over and over in your head about whatever is that that’s keeping you up.
#5 Darkroom to sleep tight
The room needs to be dark is one of the important tips for better sleeping. Totally and absolutely dark that you can’t see your own hand. It’s one of the best things to help you sleep. And if you’re scared of the dark, it’s either the darkness with your eyes open or closed. Which one sounds better? Right, I thought so. So, close them right up.
#6 Comfy clothes to sleep tight
Do I really need to say this? No, I don’t. Everyone wears them these days. And keep wearing them, especially during the night for tight and right sleep.
It’s the quality of the sleep and not the quantity.
So, how to get better sleep quality – This clearly means if you’re getting 9 hours of disturbing sleep, you’re going to feel unrefreshed and irritated the next morning and you’ll know have yourself to blame.
Instead, try completing one sleep cycle before you wake up. For example – count your hours, if you’re sleeping at 11 PM, 11-12:30 would be one sleep cycle.
So, at 6:30 your alarm could go off and up and you’ll feel more refreshed, that’s for sure. Tried and tested. With just 7.5 hours of sleep. (Tip: On nights you cannot afford to sleep longer try this technique. It WORKS!!)
You can refer to some more tips here for better sleeping. With that, we come to an end of tips and tricks on how to sleep better, right, tight, and not out of sight .
But, listen you guys, these are just a few things that you can do for a better-sleeping routine, there are also things that you should not do if you want to sleep like a baby. Chances are you know all of these already and that’s why I’m not going to go into detail. But what I can tell you, is why do you NOT have to do them?
What you should not do for better or tight sleep?
1# The blue light from the screens
This is where you’re all relaxed and then you start watching your shows, then your already relaxed body is forced to stay up so you’re again active. And then you go all complaining that you’re tired in the day and active at the night and probably start thinking that you have some sort of terrible thing going on. But, turns out it was just that binge-watching at night that was causing this!!! Crazy right? Right. I know.
(Tips for better sleeping: sleep when you’re feeling sleepy leaving everything else in the nighttime. Not in the classroom guys, but, in bed, when you’re sleepy and all relaxed).
2#Tea/coffee after 5
Don’t do this because, caffeinated drinks take hours to get out of your system, which further hinders your sleep, disturbing your sleepy cycle that’s discussed earlier.
There you go guys, a not-to-do list and tips for better sleeping and sleeping tight!!!
So, technically there’s only one thing that you don’t have to do, you just don’t have to do anything that you know will ruin your sleep.
And only thing that you do have to do is to make your Sleep a Priority!
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Abhalicious is a Certified Nutritional Advisor and Wellness coach committed to getting the world healthier and fitter and driven to empower you to feel healthy. Abha is presently based at Hyderabad, India.