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How Education in the Dentist’s Office Helps Promote Better Sales and Health

Here is how education through digital signage in the dentist’s office helps promote better sales and health. 

Dentists are very conscious of the critical role they play in helping people keep their teeth strong, which, in turn, has a significant positive impact on overall health. There is a growing body of evidence that backs this up, which when shared with patients can result in them becoming more aware of the importance of taking proper care of their teeth. Patients who are more aware of this are far more motivated to visit a dentist and more willing to pay for the full range of services on offer. 

Digital signage is a highly effective educational tool

Increasingly, dentists are using digital signage to share the latest research and solutions with their patients. Studies show that people respond very positively to information that is displayed digitally. We know that 65% of people are visual learners. Meaning that people are more likely to understand and retain information that is presented to them via digital signage than if the dentist were to tell us about it.

Examples of key health messages that can be shared via digital screens

Here are some examples of key dental health messages that can be effectively shared via digital screens:

The relationship between dental health and good nutrition

Regardless of age, eating a healthy diet is essential. To be able to eat well you need a strong set of teeth. Eating crunchy vegetables or chewing meat becomes virtually impossible if you have bad teeth.

The connection between poor dental hygiene and chronic conditions

Recent studies have shown that there is a strong connection between good dental health and several chronic and life-threatening conditions.

Studies show that untreated Porphyromonas Gingivalis Bacterium, which causes gum disease, can be more prone to diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. It is thought that this is because the bacterium that is in the mouth can spread to other parts of the body.

The impact poor dental hygiene has on mental and emotional wellbeing

Most people feel more confident if they look their best. This is backed up by recent research which was published in the Journal of Periodontology. Dentists can remind their patients who are waiting to see them of that connection, which in turn encourages people to have their teeth cleaned more often. It also helps them to appreciate that fixing their teeth so that they always look their best is an investment in themselves, rather than a drain on their resources.

The impact poor dental hygiene has on the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease

There is some evidence that allowing unhealthy bacteria to find a home in the mouth puts people at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is a very important health message that a dentist could potentially share with their patients.

Poor dental hygiene makes heart disease more likely

In 2018, The American Heart Association published a study that showed that people with dental disease were more likely to suffer from hypertension.

The connection between untreated dental disease and respiratory infections

In 2017, the Journal of Periodontology published an article that drew attention to the fact that bacteria in the mouth can be aspirated into the lungs. Once there, it can cause respiratory infections. Some of which are very difficult to treat.

Diabetes and gum disease can be connected

Someone who has diabetes needs to be especially conscientious about dental hygiene. Studies show that they are more likely to develop gum diseases. It is early days, but some initial studies indicate that untreated gum disease can make it slightly more likely for someone to develop diabetes.

The importance of sharing fresh information

The above are very powerful messages, which will motivate a lot of people to take better care of their teeth. So, it makes sense for dentists to start sharing this information with their patients. You will note that some of the above studies have only been carried out in the past few years. So, dentists need to read the latest research. Those who read a finding and immediately think about how to communicate it to their patients are never likely to run out of information to display on their clinic’s digital screens.

Keeping things fresh in this way also it more likely that people will take notice of the messages and be happy to pay for extra services. People soon get bored if they see the same set of slides and short videos as they did the last time they attended their dentist’s office.

Where digital signage can be deployed in a dental practice

Given the potential power of digital signage, it makes sense for dentists to use them throughout their practice. Here is a list of the most effective places to put them up:

  • In reception where special offers for treatments can be shared
  • In the waiting areas, which is the best place to share educational messages and details of the treatments that are available to overcome the specific health issue that is being talked about
  • In the actual dentist’s office screens can be used to show patients diagrams that help them to better understand what the dentist is telling them

As you can see, education in dental offices increases product awareness, makes patients more aware of the benefits of treatment, and helps to build trust. All of these can be leveraged to increase the frequency of visits and to increase the number of services each customer buys. This will directly increase the turnover of any dental practice, but, more importantly, it will also have a very positive impact on the overall health of patients.

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