What is detox water?
Detox water is the water that is super absorbed into your body and cells. It is hydrogen-rich water, charged water, energy-rich water, and mineral-rich water with health benefits. Detox water gets in better than any other water to pull out the toxins. When you drink 8 glasses of water, your body will use this water to flush out toxins. If you are not hydrated or drink enough water, your body has to store the toxins.
Water is a vehicle to bring in nutrients and oxygen and removes toxins and waste. If you are not getting all the benefits from your water, you may not be drinking detox water as it may not be structured enough to deliver all the oxygen and nutrients you need. If it’s not detox water, it is not pH balanced or the minerals have been removed from the water.
We are electrical beings, and the right water (detox water) is also electrical. These properties combined make the detox water beneficial and super absorbing. If the water is lacking these properties, then it may not be doing a good job of bringing nutrients and removing waste.
Water is a solvent that mixes very easily with substances to break down its properties and enable the body to remove them. If there is very little water around plus it is missing these properties that I mentioned, then these chemical functions may not work efficiently. You can see this in weight gain.
Detox Water and Weight Loss
One of the benefits of detox water is that it helps lose weight. Your body will store toxins and waste in undesirable places like belly fat, love handles, butt fat, arm fat, and leg fat. You get the picture. This does not happen overnight. So, when you stop drinking enough good detox water (1/2 your body weight in ounces) then you slowly start to gain weight as your body starts to store what it can’t remove.
Weight gain is not the only problem that can happen if you are not drinking enough detox water. If your body stores this waste in your arteries or in your heart, then you can have a more serious problem. These are called degenerative diseases like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, joint pain, etc.
Most of these can be turned around by changing what you put in your mouth. Water is one of them and food sources are another. Your body will literally build you a body based on what you put in your mouth. Bad stuff is in, then bad stuff is built. Good stuff in then the good stuff is built.
Why detox water? Why it is beneficial?
Our body is 70% water, the earth is 70% water. We are made from the earth so naturally; we are made similarly. Our mass is 30% and the earth’s mass is 30%. We are the only animal on this earth that manufactures drinks and products that you can’t find naturally from the earth.
When we are upset that 70% of water is in our body and replace hydration with something else, we no longer have a perfect working body. Our body does make adjustments with everything we put in there. But after a while like anything, enough is enough and it can’t handle it and things start to go array. Why make your body work harder than it has to? Why make your body work overtime?
Water is such a special element in nature. It’s a hydrating solvent used to clean hence beneficial. Think about when you have a pot that has stuck on food. You soak it in water to free up the debris. You wash dishes in water. You wash your car in the water. You bathe in water.
Tap water is our most treasured element in nature. When it is polluted, we can’t drink it anymore. Most tap water in the United States is treated with some form of chlorine to kill parasites and other things in the natural stream water. Tap water has all your minerals and would be a good source if it wasn’t for the contamination.
Detox water comes from your tap water after chlorine has been filtered out, then it is charged with electricity to bring you this super-absorbing water with several benefits. Remembering back 60 years ago when I drank well water that was crisp and clean and full of all the minerals you need for a healthy body. These were the farm days. I ate from the farm and drank from the water deep in the ground. That’s what I think detox water benefits are. What better way to clean our insides?
Is bottled water good?
Do you think bottled water is a better option? Bottled water has mostly been stripped of all the minerals in it and is stored in an unhealthy container that has been shown to leach plastic particles in the water and into the bodies of people that drink bottled water.
Many people say don’t let the plastic bottle sit in the sun because that is when the plastic can leach out the most into the water.
But think about how the water got into the bottle in the first place. Go to a water bottling company and see how they add water to plastic bottles. They heat the water to a high temperature, so it is sterile and then it is filled immediately.
Think about how the water is delivered to the stores. Your most expensive water comes from overseas and is shipped in hot metal containers not flown to the US.

Then the containers sit on the docks in the sun until delivered to the storage warehouse. From there the cases are trucked in a hot container and not refrigerated to the store.
Think about how the store stores the cases of water. Do you see cases and cases of water in the store window for you to see it? These cases are not stored in a refrigerator for safe storage.

Is bottled water bad?
We started out many centuries ago eating from the earth. So, we have a history of eating berries, fruits, vegetables, plants, nuts, and if you were lucky a little bit of meat as you evolved. Eating things from a box or packages did not come from Mother Nature and is probably on the bad side.
What comes from a box or package is processed food. The caveman didn’t process his food or have a refrigerator. He/she ate things fresh. Read the label. What is in it? Can you pronounce it? Does it have too much sugar or fat? Bad fat or good fat. It can be confusing.
If you stick to the caveman days way of eating and only eating meat if you could catch it, then your body has a chance to digest it and recover and rejuvenate your colon. But if you constantly keep putting bad things in with every meal, your intestines can’t recover that fast. Your intestines need at least 12 hours of rest where you don’t put any food in them. The water of course is OK just not the food.
Sleep is another important function your body needs. Without sleep, your body can’t function and can’t heal itself. The best resting hours for healing are while you are sleeping. I remember that old wives tale: Get your beauty sleep. It’s true. While you are sleeping your body rejuvenates your body. Try to get 8 hours of sleep. Don’t rob yourself of healing.
So, are you listening to your body? What signals is it telling you?
Upset stomach? What did you eat? Don’t just run for the pill to make it better. Find out what caused it so don’t have to feel that way again.
Having Pain? Why are you in pain? Don’t mask the pain with a pill, find out why.
When you ignore these simple signals, over the months and years it can turn into something more serious.
Detox Water Benefits
What are the detox water benefits? A clean colon is your lifeline.
- Free of constipation
- Able to absorb vitamins and minerals
- Able to absorb water
- Able to remove waste
Detox water for weight loss is easy if you drink 3 glasses before meals.
Another benefit is that detox water curbs your appetite, so you are less hungry and eat less which helps you lose weight.
Detox water for a flat belly to help you get into your skinny jeans.
Detox water benefits include removing waste and toxins. If your body is removing waste, then you will also pee a lot. Don’t complain about the number of times you have to pee. You should say, “that is one less toxin or waste my body has to store”.
If you don’t have a bowel movement every day or every other day then your body may be constipated with waste sitting in your colon just literally rotting away. If it stays in too long, then things can back up, can’t absorb nutrients, feel bloated, feel pain, feel sluggish. Waste can turn cell lining into diseased cells.
Think of it like holding poop in your hands for a week. It starts to smell, irritates your skin, weakens your skin, turns into an ulcer, then it gets infected and morphs into a disease. Then finally after a week you get rid of the waste in your hand and rinse it with soda instead of water. How will that feel? How will that heal? Then you put bad food in again, over and over again, this time fried foods.
So, if you pamper your skin on the outside, don’t forget to pamper your insides like your intestine/colon. Give it the rest it needs. Give it the water it needs to flush out toxins and waste. Give it better food. Give it good water to heal. Give it water to hydrate. Give it detox water.
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Dr. Dorcia Hart, Pharm.D., is a Pharmacist with nutritional interest. She is the CEO of Med2go. She loves sharing knowledge on health and what she discovered about hydration and losing weight. She teaches people the fastest and safest way to lose weight.