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Ketovore – Eat Well So You Can Feel and Look Well!

What is ketovore? What is a carnivore? The carb addiction teacher explains the difference between ketovore and carnivore and why it is important to be one. Must read if you are addicted to carbs.

Good Health is priceless!  No amount of money can buy good health, so achieving this and feeling and looking well come from eating properly.  A proper human way of eating consists of consuming foods that are ancestrally appropriate for our human bodies.  These are foods that nourish us and consist of various essential forms of protein, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.  Essential means we must consume these aspects of nourishment in the foods we eat, because our bodies do not make them.  Where do we find all of these essential nutrients?  In animals. 

We are an animal, so animal meats, animal organs, animal eggs, animal milk, animal bones, and tendons contain all that we need-nose to tail.  These essential animal proteins, omega fats, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals are almost 100% bioavailable to our bodies.  Unlike plant nutrients, we can absorb animal nutrients and be, look, and feel healthy and optimal.  In the list of essential nutrients I mentioned, what is missing that is in much of the Standard American Diet?  Carbohydrates, which are sugar and starch.  Sugar is NOT essential to our long-term health, because our liver MAKES just the amount of glucose parts of our body need, on demand. This process is called gluconeogenesis.  Therefore, our body makes it.  It’s not essential to consume. 

Now, sugar comes in three raw forms in nature: glucose, fructose, and galactose.  Every carbohydrate is one of these or a combination of these simple monosaccharides.  Fructose is a super sweet monosaccharide.  When this simple sugar is combined with the others, we get milk sugar or table sugar.  When a bunch of the glucose molecules is strung together, we have starches found in root vegetables like potatoes and in grains. 

Where does addiction come in?  Well, protein is NOT addictive to the brain.  Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are not addictive to the brain. Amino acids are not addictive.  Vitamins A, D, E, K and C, B, etc. are not addictive.  Minerals like zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are not addictive to the brain.  Guess what IS addictive to the brain for most people?   That’s right!  Sugar.  That sweet stuff that is injected into almost all of our processed foods in the form of high fructose corn syrup, and other added sugars are highly addictive. It’s in our condiments like ketchup and barbecue sauce, and it’s added to bread and pasta. Sugars are added because food companies know that people are addicted to sweet things. 

Guess who owns these processed food companies.  Guess?  The tobacco companies bought out most of today’s processed food companies, and they are using the same methods to addict their consumers that they used to addict their cigarette smokers of the past.  SUGAR is addictive. (Interesting side note…. nicotine damages cell the same way sugar does). 

Now, what does sugar do that is so bad?  In excess, which is what we ingest in the S.A.D. of 300 grams of carbs a day, carbs and sugars are converted into fat and stored in the liver and other organs, and then that fat spills over into other parts of our body making us obese.  The sugar glycates the endothelial cells which are the cells on the inside of artery walls.  Glycation means the sugar “sticks” and damages the cells.  Cholesterol along with calcium rush to the damaged area to form plaques to repair the glycated cells.  From this comes clogged arteries leading to heart attacks and strokes. 

While all this damage is happening, the sugar is also glycating the hemoglobin which is part of our red blood cells.  Hemoglobin lives for about 3 months before it is flushed out.  We test our hemoglobin HbA1C to see how much is glycated, and that is the indicator of sugar damage.  If that number is high enough, the person becomes a type 2 diabetic.  

A type 2 diabetic means a person’s insulin receptors on the cell walls stop or RESIST the insulin and the cells won’t open to receiving the nutrition, and the sugar just moves along to glycate and damage organs.  Sugar is addictive.  The grocery stores and restaurants all over sell so much S.A.D. food laced with sugar and carbs, that much of America is fat and sick, and many people are insulin resistant or type 2 diabetic.  A plethora of diseases and illnesses manifest from this constant insult of chronic excessive carbohydrate consumption.

The answer, the solution, the fix is to go on a WAY OF EATING called Keto, Ketovore, or Carnivore. Notice that I did not call it a ketovore diet or a carnivore diet, because diets are so often confused with something you go on to lose weight and then you go off.  99% of all diets fail because the weight comes back on and more.  Let me now explain the keto, ketovore & carnivore way of eating!

A ketogenic WAY OF EATING is dialing down the carbohydrate intake from the S.A.D. of 300-400 grams a day- down to 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. NOT A DIET, but eating this way for the rest of your life! This is a drastic reduction, but it is the PROPER way of eating.  We have only started consuming these 300 grams of carbs a day in our diets within the last 150 years of all of the years we have been on this planet. 

So, here’s what to eat.  Shop around the edges of the grocery store and buy as close to ONE ingredient of foods as possible.  Red meat. Pork. Poultry. Fish. Eggs. Dairy. Non-root Vegetables. A handful of organic berries.  This is keto.  Keto is not a box or a package with the word K-E-T-O printed in big letters with a paragraph of ingredients.

Carnivore is just red meat, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, and whole-fat dairy. 

Ketovore is a carnivore with some spices or maybe a little yellow mustard and coffee or tea.  

When a person eats the proper way – be it keto, ketovore, or carnivore, their HbA1C goes down to normal.  Their blood pressure drops.  Their HDL rises.  Their fasting blood glucose stabilizes to the normal range, and most importantly, they FEEL AMAZING.  Ketones are produced which use body fat and dietary fat for fuel. The brain and body PREFER to use ketones over glucose.  Ketones make a person feel good emotionally.  This is all-natural.  No supplementation is needed at all because eating these one-ingredient foods is all-natural.  Keto foods include all essential proteins, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in the correct ratios, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.  All you really have to do is add some salt to taste, as salt is important. 

So, my blog is over.  I could go on in detail and write books on these topics, but I hope you understand the basics as I learned them from watching doctors and nutritionists online.  That’s how I got my nutrition education. I encourage anyone reading this to do the same, and most importantly, APPLY the knowledge you learn to your life to make your life better.  Be a ketovore or carnivore!

Eat well to look and feel well! 

I’m the Carb Addiction Teacher.  Follow me on YouTube. 

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