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Healthy Choice

Healthy Choice, water Healthy Choice, water

Even though bottled water is the number one drink in its industry, why are we still dehydrated?  One theory, we just don’t drink enough water.  We drink everything else and a little water.  We drink sodas, milk, juice, and water to only wash down medications. So, let’s make water a healthy choice today.

The earth is 70% water. We are made from the earth. We are 70% water. So, doesn’t it make sense that we should make a healthy choice and try to drink mostly water to replace what we use and lose?  Our body burns energy for us to function and makes waste too.  Need water for all our bodily functions and to remove waste.  

We eat 70% and drink maybe 30%.  Let’s flip that around and eat 30% and drink 70%. What a concept!

What happens when we don’t drink water or at least half our body weight in ounces?  If your body can’t eliminate the waste, it will store it. You might be constipated.  You might gain weight.  You might feel tired. You might feel sick. You might feel bloated.  You might feel pain.  Your stomach and intestines are your lifelines. All your nutrients get absorbed here and water is the transport.  What you put in your body is very important to your body functioning properly. You only have one body.  Not able to clone your body just yet. You’ve been watching too many sci-fi movies.

You might say, “I feel fine”. If you eat or drink badly today, you may feel fine today or tomorrow.  But continue this over years, then let me know how you feel.  Eventually, bad eating and drinking habits will catch up with you.  And I am not talking about alcohol.  That is another subject altogether. I am talking about how much water you drink. Make a healthy choice!

Think of your body as a fish tank.  Keep it clean the fish live and prosper.  When it is dirty and polluted the fish will get sick and possibly die if you don’t make a change.  The easiest thing to do for a fish tank is to change the water.  Adding chemicals will just dilute the problem and won’t help in the long run.  What about your body?  You can’t turn yourself upside down and drain all your fluids out and put new ones in.

The best solution is to clean your body’s tank by drinking water. If you drink half your weight in ounces of water per day, you will be able to flush out some of those toxins.  Yes, per day, not per week.  The better the water, the better results you will get. On an average, drink 8 glasses a day.  I used to see this sign posted in my doctor’s office when I was a little girl.  I saw it but didn’t really pay attention.  How many of us don’t really absorb our surroundings?  We need to slow down and smell the roses.  

I think if the doctor said, “Drink 8 glasses of water and if you don’t, let me show you what happens”.  I think that would drive it home for me.  I would take drinking water more seriously.  What about you? There are lots of things in life you hear and learn but don’t think anything about it. If you don’t do anything about your health, at least make this one healthy choice for me. 

Let me bring it home for you.  From my experience and others, drinking water can have a huge effect on your body.  Water changed many, many things for me. Try this one thing and let me know what it does for you. 

If you don’t have any fluid restrictions from your doctor, drink 3 full 8-oz glasses of water (for an average person weighing around 140 lbs) before each meal for 2 weeks and see what changes you discover. 

Can you go one step further and drink just water and nothing else? Let me know how you did? My contact information is below if you want more information on better hydrating water or to report your findings text me at 26786 with the word med2go or contact me on med2gobus@gmail.com.

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