What is a body type?
Losing unwanted fat and building muscle is all about knowing your body and how to navigate your physical characteristics accordingly. This can seem like somewhat of a daunting task but it’s not if you know which physical attributes you need to look for and what they mean. First things first – what is a body type? What is my body type? There are three non-categorical body types which are ectomorph, endomorph & mesomorph. What is my body type? Are you an endomorph body type, ectomorph, or mesomorph? How to find my body type for weight loss and building muscle? Which diet and exercises for an endomorph? Which diet and exercises to follow for my body type? Which body type has fat? Which celebrities have an endomorph body type?
How to find my body type for weight loss and building muscle?
Ectomorph –
An ectomorph is long and lean, with little body fat, and little muscle. They have a hard time gaining weight and have little fat. While most of us love to hate these genetically blessed individuals, some male ectomorphs may not be thrilled with their narrow-chested frames and some female ectomorph longs for more womanly curves.
Celebrities with Ectomorph body type –
Celebrities like Fashion models and basketball players fit this category.
Endomorph –
Endomorph body type, on the other hand, has lots of body fat, and lots of muscle, and they tend to gain weight easily and thus need to focus on diet. There are celebrities with endomorph body types.
Football linemen tend to be endomorphs, they’re heavier and rounder individuals, and they don’t have to necessarily be overweight.
Celebrities with Endomorph body type
Among the celebrities with endomorph body type, both Oprah Winfrey and Marilyn Monroe are classic examples of endomorph body type celebrities.
Mesomorph –
A mesomorph is athletic, solid, and strong. They’re not overweight and not underweight, and they can eat what they want without worrying too much about it. They both gain and lose weight without too much effort.
So, what is my body type? Remember this ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph body types are non-categorical, and one might possess some or all traits in some form or combination without even knowing it, therefore do not get overly hung up on which combination of them you are and instead focus on which one stands out most and work off that.
Which diet and exercises to follow for my body type?
Once you have determined which body type you are, it’s important to build the best fitness and nutrition program for you and your goals in the following manner:
Fat loss & Muscle Building for Ectomorph Body Type
With ectomorph body type, fitness, diet, and nutrition can be tricky and a little less straightforward than the other two body types because this body type has such an efficient metabolism that if it’s not monitored, it can cause physical abnormalities, such as a skinny frame with a potbelly, or a skinny body with arm bags.
While this is the most efficient body type with little fat, it does not mean that it cannot store fat, in fact, as this body type ages it begins to store fat at a higher rate than the rest.
Ectomorph Diet and Nutrition –
High amounts of good carbs and protein with moderate to low amounts of healthy fats should be on an ectomorph diet. An ectomorph can afford to eat 5 to 6 meals per day as far as the number of meals in an ectomorph diet is concerned.
Ectomorph Fitness –
High amounts of weightlifting on a 5-6 day split with minimal to no cardio is recommended for an ectomorph. Cardio will only hinder this body type’s ability to build muscle.
Fat loss & muscle building for Endomorph body type
With endomorph body type, fitness, diet, and nutrition is more straightforward and can be managed as such.
Endomorph Diet and Nutrition –
An endomorph has such slow metabolism that it is important for them to monitor their diet and food intake accordingly. Therefore, it is important to stick to high amounts of protein with low amounts of carbs for an endomorph diet.
For the endomorph diet, carbohydrates in the diet that come from white bread, white rice, pastry, sugary sodas, and other highly processed foods are especially bad for the endomorph body type and need to be avoided as much as possible.
As far as the number of meals in the diet is concerned, an endomorph should focus on sticking to three meals per day with minimal snacks in between.
Endomorph Fitness –
An endomorph will benefit from high amounts of HIIT or LISS cardio training (in addition to diet) to shed the fat, sprinkled in with moderate yet increasing bouts of weight training to build muscle as they progress.
With endomorph body type, cardio is your best friend and if done correctly will only help reveal muscle growth.
Fat loss & muscle building for Mesomorph Body Type
With mesomorphs, fitness and nutrition can be somewhat of an experiment because mesomorph body type does not have difficulty building and maintaining muscle growth and can therefore try new things.
Mesomorph Diet and Nutrition –
A mesomorph can focus on eating a more balanced diet of carbs, healthy fats, and proteins with as many as 4-5 meals per day.
Mesomorph body type diet has the ability to splurge on occasion without the same consequences as the ectomorph and endomorph body types.
Mesomorph Fitness –
Mesomorphs should focus on a 4-5 split of weight training mixed in with small bouts of 10-15 minutes’ worth of cardio per session to help control muscle growth and reduce fat build-up.
Once you have determined “what is my body type”, you can then start taking the necessary steps to lose the fat and build the muscle you want and deserve