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Health – a Thought Of, By & For…

Handsome man in white meditating in lotus pose in health spa

What is Health? Health, a thought of, by and for.



Health is generally defined as a Balance in various dimensions from physical to emotional and social.



The disease is thus deducted as Imbalance, an imbalanced view! The disease is real not a mere deduction! It is primary, immediate, and fact. Think of birth – baby is dislocated from her ease to disease! Mother, the Nature, pushes her out into the world (our common understanding called common sense – another disease).




Ease is when you Lead & Move. It is the art of making fiction with your primary and immediate facts. Thus, the baby creates Mother by inducing “Motherliness” in the woman’s system; the baby initiates the delivery and thus leads the birthing process – the dislocated state or disease. Then she leads herself up by serving out as a child, adolescent, adult & old – displaying the four life colors as per her choice and birth.

 The common understanding of the disease is thus devoid of an essential ingredient “Objective”. It means, something is complete only when You are added to it – Thus, You become “important”, an essential to be imported – You, the Alien, makes the Ease in a Disease!!! So, there is a world devoid of you, avoided by you, and filled in by you! Devoid of you is it, called World / Environment /Epigenetic, etc. Filled by you / Owned by you is called Image / Thought / Genetics.

Body, Movement & Image thus completes the concept and substance. 

Health, a thought of, by and for ..

A definition of health thus is personal and thus must be in tune with your Image /Objective and thus a futuristic lead. This also means meaningful /purposeful health is a tool to achieve the goal and not a destination! Health, a thought of, by and for. 

Health is a Tool & not a Destination!

 So, linking the body, and energy to your dream Image is to be healthy. We thus get 3 ingredients that help us make sense of this ill-understood sense called Health – Awareness, Action, and Actor! 


 Awareness may be the goal that you set in mind, the image that you develop into, and a definition of who you are becoming! These in practical ways get defined as ‘Immunity – a system that keeps up your “Self” as pure and as per your Image. 



Action is to express/bring into existence and thus is a movement that generates Energy called Physiology, the integrated inner acts inside the body.



The actor is what is used – all that you collect /consume to make the Image using your energy could be understood as the Body.

 When your image Acts through the body, you become Whole (in a Hole / Void) and thus the Actor. So, the “Wholistic or Integrated” approach is what Living ideally must be. Then you may say, “Life Is For Experiencing / Existing”. Thus, how you Exit out of the “Hole” defines your Life – A wholistic and Holy Image or a mere diversity or disintegration! Ease thus gain value in Life as against Disease. Dislocated Ease is to be made Easy by the Acts using the body-mind system leading to a divine Exit from the life / the Void (you are in) in every moment. A grouped, dense memory bundle expanding and Freeing itself like a pulse is the process which we “Own” assuming as our Life, the Self. This is to be “Negated or Eased” out from Owning. Ancients called this Yoga – the Negation / Disowning. “Self is disease and Group is Ease”! It may thus get translated in practice as ‘Allow’ or Be With – Love & Be in the Happening. To love is to cultivate or culture the Memories within and “free” them through you!  

So Easing out of the Void / ‘Dis – located’ place – Ease in Movement called Flow is Health. You when located in your body-mind system only is the Form, called Disease, the Self (Selfie).

Cultivation is practicing nourishment, through integration and diverging for others – Nutrition, Nurturing, and Dying or dieting! So your food is that which you Import to cultivate (Make New / Nourish) with your memories (Nurture) and flower them (Die & dieting), spreading the seeds through your fruits (for others). Thus “How to be the best fruit for others” is a motto in Life, to use. It Moves you & Makes You! Food could thus be Dividing or Divining – your choice! Remember, what you choose will choose you later! Know this and stop naming, and blaming of items as good or bad. There is only food and you make them what they are! Act thus is “Sacrifice – the Sacred strength gainer” you perform daily ensuring the Ease of Dying for others. In this process of death on a secondly, minutely, hourly and daily basis, you Image your Self daily called Experience! The ability to measure/comprehend and Witness is “Awareness” and this leads you. This is done with information / Senses. The Cortex lead thinking faculty that you must use in discriminating to educe out into Ease is what qualifies your life as Divine or disintegrated. Education is to use information / Sense than getting used by information / Senses. So to be Healthy is the Cortex in the body (Actor), the Cortex in breath (Action) & Cortex in thought (Awareness)! Cortex is control (to hold back and evaluate the need) and thus ensures Ease. It is the discriminating faculty to be used in all input, internal Act, and output. It measures and Image you…  The disease is being in the system and Ease is being All, always, All ways…

Health, a thought of, by and for..

A simple thought /Cortex on Lifestyle:


  1. Wake up about 45 minutes before sunrise. Start your Morning with Mourning Rituals (“Realize” your dead body on the bed, flow in from Rest, engage within to awaken the cells, join the joints, Happen with the body by being Happy with all in the system, clean up the last mess of mass remaining in you, etc.)

  2. Raise up the Sun in you (Warm-up after cleansing and cleaning) physically & Mentally. Spread warmth to the world (know your day/world that is about to be seen and awaken them with your warm caring mental rays).

  3. Break the Fast like warming sun – easy to digest food of maintenance nature like vegetable protein, mild spices, etc.)

  4. Engage well and full with your world like the sun, nourishing and Serving your world with your “Infrared energization and Ultraviolent assistance” to all in your world.

  5. Feed the flames well and full in the noon with a complete meal.

  6. Relax and recollect taking a Nap to Snap the events so far.

  7. A snack with warm & comforting (Healthy oil) to calm the nervous/agitated cells.

  8. Set the Sun and stomach to welcome the Moon. Foreplay with food that, you can consume than that consumes you.

  9. Cool thoughts by “Joining” with your Joints to space yourself well within.

  10. Honey Moon your Mind by recollecting the day, choosing the right and being the Image you desire, recognize the Self to be them Al

Health, a thought of, by and for! 

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