Summer is definitely here! Don’t let the challenges of dialysis or COVID keep you from enjoying this time of year or keep you from reaching your health goals. There are many ways to enjoy the outdoors and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some summer tips to get you started.
Summer Tips # 1. Safety First
- Start at 15 minutes per day in the sun, without applying sunscreen, slowly increasing exposure time until you are able to tan without burning. (Dark-skinned people may not sunburn as quickly however they are still at risk for sun damage including age spots, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.).
- If you are going to be outside for an extended period of time or greater than an hour, be sure to bring extra clothing to protect your skin from sun damage. Wear lightweight, long-sleeved shirts after the first 15 minutes in the sun. Don’t forget a hat to shield your eyes and sensitive skin on your face.
- Wear sunscreen, at least 30 SPF, or as the doctor prescribed even on cloudy days. Pick only Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide on the sunscreen label. Water-resistant sunscreens are best if you are swimming or perspiring a lot.
- Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sun damage. Sunglasses should block at least 99% of UVB rays and 50% of UVA rays.
- Know the signs of heat exhaustion; hot, dry, cold, or clammy skin, nausea, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, or confusion. Apply ice packs or cold compress to wrists, ankles, armpits, or groin to lower body temperature.
- Patients with diabetes or peripheral vascular disease (PVD), wear shoes and check their feet often.
Summer Tips # 2. Move to your own groove
- Take a nature walk. Do it yourself or invite friends and family. This is a great way to catch up and get out of the house. Check with your healthcare team before starting any exercise routine. 15-30 minutes of exercise 5 days out of the week is recommended for the general population.
- Protect your access when swimming. Swim only in the ocean or a chlorinated pool. Avoid unchlorinated waters such as those found in ponds, lakes, and rivers. Change your access dressing as soon as you finish swimming. Your nurse can tell you what protective dressing is best for you.
- Take a bike ride. Keep those joints and muscles moving! (Don’t forget the helmet) A 10–15-minute bike ride daily can help improve and maintain muscle strength. Being outdoors can also help synthesize Vitamin D in your skin.
- Buy a cheap soccer or beach ball and invite your kids or grandkids to kick it around outside. It’s just that easy. A great way to keep the blood pumping and improve cardiovascular health for all.
- Stay cool in the shade! Read a book under a tree. Invite children and grandchildren.
Summer Tips #3. Don’t forget the food
- Make popsicles from apple juice, diet cranberry, or lemon-lime soda (Zevia soda’s are all renal friendly).
- Chew sugar-free sour candy or gum. Try sugar-free sherbet instead of ice cream.
- Freeze fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and grapes to suck on.
- Have a picnic. Whether in your own backyard or at a park. Grab a blanket, bring some paper cups, and enjoy! Pack some healthy, high-protein snacks and a measured water bottle.
- Avoid high-salt foods such as processed meats, salty snacks, and chips. If you MUST have a hot dog, why not? Just be sure to boil them for at least 10 minutes to remove as much sodium as possible. (Also, don’t forget to take those binders)
- When drinking, sip slowly. Avoid drinking caffeine, alcohol, or sugary beverages as they can all cause dehydration. Check with your dietitian on how much you should drink in one day.
Summer Tips # 4. Self-care
- Keep skin moisturized to avoid dry skin cracks which can promote bacterial growth and infection. Use a thick moisturizer and/or essential oils after bathing morning and night. Natural oils such as coconut, almond, jojoba, avocado, and shea butter are my favorites.
- If traveling, be sure to pack your medications. Skipping medications even for one day could affect your health. If you take insulin, be sure to store as appropriate. Unused insulin is usually refrigerated however can be stored at room temperature. Avoid keeping insulin in direct sunlight or in extreme heat such as in a glove compartment. Speak with your doctor about the use of alternative insulin therapies such as powdered mixes.
- Enjoy the moment! Take pics but give the phone camera some rest sometimes and take it all in. It’s the memories that mean the most.
Like any other time of year, we all must seek and find balance. Summer is a time of rejuvenated life and activity for all living things. Everything from the birds in the sky to the tiniest microorganism is programmed to promote life.
This summer challenge yourself to find a way to participate in your surroundings and make peace with it as well.

Cheryl Robinson, MS, MBA, RDN, CSR, LD, is a Registered Dietitian/ Nutritionist (RDN) with a specialty in Renal Nutrition (CSR). She is also a Duke-Trained Health and Wellness Coach and owner of Turn Wheel, LLC Health Coaching and Nutrition Counseling. Cheryl served as 2021 Chair of the National Kidney Foundation Council on Renal Nutrition for the Fort Worth, Texas chapter.